EACD Congress Awards Winners

EACD Bruges 2024 - Award Winners:

Mac Keith Press Best Abstract Award

Pilar Castro ATADES (Espacio Atemtia), Spain

Walking the Future: A Comparative Study of the ATLAS 2030 gait-training device in children with Cerebral Palsy

Nestlé Health Science Clinical Research Award

Dr. Charlie Fairhurst - Evelina London Children's Hospital, United Kingdom

Interventions for paediatric saliva control issues: comparative efficacy and side effect profiles

EACD Early Career Researcher Award

1st place

Marinke Hokken - Erasmus MC, Netherlands

Towards a non-verbal assessment of Cerebral Visual Impairments in young children

2nd place
Lara Quinten
 - University of Bern, Switzerland

Incidence, subtypes and severity of cerebral palsy in infants born extremely preterm in Switzerland: A retrospective study comparing two time periods

3rd place

Aisling Ryan - The University of Queensland, Australia

I can decide MyGOALS! Developing an online tool for child-led goal setting using user-centred design

EACD Best Poster Award

1st place

Deepti Chugh - Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, United Kingdom

What outcomes within domains of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health are reported after Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy procedure for ambulant children and young people with cerebral palsy: a scoping review of the last three decades

2nd place

Dr. Christine Chiong - Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom

DQ typing in children with Down syndrome allows exclusion of a subset from lifelong Coeliac screening: a single centre cohort

3rd place

Prof. Sarah McIntyre - University of Sydney, Australia

The development of a causal diagram for cerebral palsy: a study protocol for worldwide multidisciplinary collaboration

EACD Technology & Innovation Award

Jorn Ockerman - Ghent University, Belgium

Play on! The interactive exergaming surface "Matti" and its role in pediatric rehabilitation.

EACD Ljubljana 2023 - Award Winners:

Mac Keith Press Best Abstract Award

Dr. Fabrizia Festante University of Pisa, Italy

Motherese phonation style during interactions with pre-linguistic infants at high risk of Cerebral Palsy

Nestlé Health Science Clinical Research Award

Prof. Nora Shields - La Trobe University, Australia

Effect of a community-based intervention (FitSkills) for young people with disability on physical activity participation: a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial

EACD Early Career Researcher Award

1st place
Alexandra Palmcrantz
  - Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Muscle strength, muscle volume and functional mobility in children with spastic cerebral palsy

2nd place
Liza van Dijk
 - Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands

Pre-operative gait pattern seems to influence the effect of selective dorsal rhizotomy on gait in children with spastic diplegia

3rd place (equal)

Mari Naaris - KU Leuven, Belgium

Effectiveness of a four-week powered wheelchair training intervention in children and young people with severe cerebral palsy

Jacqueline Ding - CP-Achieve, Australia

Exploring young adulthood: Experiences and perceptions of participation for adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy

EACD Best Poster Award

1st place

Maria Garcia Galant - Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Children with Cerebral Palsy Improve Affect Recognition After Completing a Home-Based Computerized Cognitive Intervention

2nd place

Dr. Monika Novak-Pavlic - CanChild, McMaster University, Canada

A systematic review of interventions promoting physical, psychological and socioeconomic well-being of parents of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities

EACD Barcelona 2022 - Award Winners:

Mac Keith Press Best Abstract Award

Dr. Briano Di Rezze McMaster University, Canada

Construct validity of the Autism Classification System of Functioning for social communication across childhood and adolescence

Nestlé Health Science Clinical Research Award

Dr. Peter Wilson - Australian Catholic University, Australia

Developmental coordination disorder: New insights on underlying mechanisms

EACD Early Career Researcher Award

1st place

Dr. Anne-Laure Guinet - Fondation Ellen Poidatz, France

ARRoW-CP: Gait rehabilitation with an active video game for children with cerebral palsy. Preliminary results

2nd place
Dr. Leonie Steiner
 - Inselspital, Switzerland

Cognitive outcome is related to functional thalamo-cortical connectivity after pediatric stroke

3rd place

Dr. Patricia Jovellar-Isiegas - Universidad San Jorge, Spain

Somatosensation in the dominant hand of children with unilateral cerebral palsy compared to typically developing children: How is the information processing? Preliminary results

EACD Best Poster Award

1st place

Dr. Julita Medina Cantillo - Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, Spain

Motor and pulmonary function after scoliosis surgery in children with spinal muscular atrophy type II

2nd place

Dr. Iris van Wijk - Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, The Netherlands

Psychosocial aspects of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) and life-stage specific challenges in the Dutch OI-population

3rd place

Dr. Deepika Jain - Shishu Child Development & Early Intervention Centre, India

Rett syndrome in India: Demographics, clinical features and genetic profile of 6 Rett syndrome cases as part of “Genetics in Autism” research study

EACD Technology & Innovation Award

Sotirios Gakopoulos - CoMoveIT NV, Belgium

CoMoveIT Smart: a new high-tech powered wheelchair steering system for people with complex movement disorders

EACD Europe 2021 - Award Winners:

Mac Keith Press Best Abstract Award

1st place

Dr. Mahmudul Hassan Al Imam - Central Queensland University

Rehabilitation status of children with Cerebral Palsy in low-and middle-income countries: findings from the Global LMIC Cerebral Palsy Register

2nd place
Prof. Giuseppina Sgandurra
 - University of Pisa, Italy

Effectiveness of home-delivered action observation therapy by means of Tele-UPCAT system

3rd place

Dr. Anna Kushnir - Elita Rehabilitation Center Lviv, Ukraine

Personalized Balance Games for Children with Cerebral Palsy 

Nestlé Health Science Clinical Research Award

Dr. Emma Vaillant - Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands

Environmental factors associated with communication performance in children with CP

EACD Early Career Researcher Award

1st place

Dr. Saranda Bekteshi - KU Leuven, Belgium

Fixations and saccades during eye-tracking gaming performance in children with dyskinetic cerebral palsy compared to typically developing children

2nd place (equal)
Dr. Phillip Harniess
 - Great Ormond Street Hospital

Transitive parental frames of engagement in early intervention: Conceptualising engagement in early occupational and physiotherapy for infants with cerebral palsy

Dr. Jessica Warnink-Kavelaars - Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands

Heritable connective tissue disorders in childhood: Fatigue, pain, disability and general health

3rd place (equal)

Dr. Erika Cloodt - Lund University, Sweden

Knee and foot contracture occurs earliest in children with cerebral palsy

Dr. Israt Jahan - CSF Global; University of South Asia; Central Queensland University, Bangladesh / Australia

Epidemiology of malnutrition among children with cerebral palsy (CP) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs): Preliminary findings from Global LMIC CP Register

EACD Best Poster Award

1st place

Dr. Yvonne Janssen-Potten - Maastricht University, The Netherlands

The effect of bimanual intensive functional training on sensory hand function in children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy

2nd place

Dr. Holger Muehlan - University of Greifswald, Germany

Adopting the Questionnaire of Young People’s Participation for Young Adults (QYPP-YA) – A Validation Study

3rd place

Dr. Jorge Carranza - Hospital San José Celaya, Mexico

Goal attainment following treatment with abobotulinumtoxinA and an intensive home therapy program in children with upper-limb spasticity

EACD Technology & Innovation Award

1st place

Dr. Rowan Johnson - Ability Centre, Perth, Australia

Zingo App: Gamified home and school therapy programmes for children with disabilities

2nd place
Dr. Eléa Deilly
 - CHRU Brest, France

Kid'EM: A child-friendly and collaborative mobile app to define personalized and practical therapeutic goals

3rd place

Dr. Catherine BartonPowys teaching Health Board, United Kingdom

Sustainable seating and standing solutions for children with disabilities using appropriate paper-based technology (APT)



The European Academy of Childhood-onset Disability (EACD) is an international not-for-profit association founded in 1989, and is an association for anyone with a clinical and/or scientific interest in childhood-onset disabilities in Europe and beyond. EACD's mission is to promote research and education for the benefit of people with childhood-onset disabilities throughout Europe and beyond. 


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