Our Mission

The European Academy of Childhood-onset Disability (EACD) is an international, non-profit organization founded in 1989, and is an association for anyone with a clinical and/or scientific interest in childhood-onset disabilities in Europe.

EACD is a multidisciplinary, welcoming, constructive academy, consisting of like-minded members who want to build together a better future for people with childhood-onset disabilities. Education, ethics and social commitment are of paramount importance to EACD, bridging cultural, societal, economical, and lingual differences across the entire European region for the benefit of people with childhood-onset disabilities.

EACD's Mission is to promote excellence in research and services for the benefit of people with, and at risk for, childhood-onset disabilities, and to provide multidisciplinary, state-of-the-art education for professionals active in the field of childhood-onset disabilities in Europe and beyond

EACD Aims: In furtherance of our mission, the EACD shall engage in the following aims and activities:

  • To promote and extend excellence in research in all aspects of childhood-onset disability, and to facilitate the dissemination and valorisation of such research.

  • To ensure regular education and knowledge exchange on all aspects of childhood-onset disability through meetings, congresses, symposia, working groups, training courses, online events, exhibitions and publications.
  • To support the use of the latest evidence-based practice and evidence-based medicine into the care, treatment and services for people with childhood-onset disabilities and their family caregivers.
  • To foster cooperation between those active in the field of childhood-onset disabilities in Europe and elsewhere for the benefit of people with childhood-onset disabilities.
  • To raise awareness of their needs and rights with people with a childhood-onset disability, their families and close others
  • To encourage people throughout Europe to become professionally active in the field of childhood-onset disabilities.
  • To maintain the highest possible ethical and scientific standards in all EACD activities, and to encourage the use of the highest possible ethical and scientific standards by those working with people with childhood-onset disabilities.

EACD's values are: Collaboration, Knowledge, Inclusion and Integrity

EACD's Strategic Key Areas 2023-2026

The EACD’s has scaled up its involvement over the recent years from an annual scientific meeting organiser to a broader range of activities for the benefit of people with childhood-onset disabilities including the areas of Education & Training, Technology & Innovation, and Advocacy, with the ambition to be the leading organisation in respect to the area of childhood-onset disability at European level with a clear mission and vision. In order to fulfill EACD’s Mission, six key areas have been identified and agreed by the General Management Committee for the period 2023-2026:

Key Area 1: To promote Excellence in Research in the area of childhood-onset disability in Europe (and beyond)

Focus areas include:

(i) To organise high-quality EACD Annual Meetings in terms of scientific and organisational standards

(ii) To provide networking opportunities to researchers active in the area of childhood-onset disabilities from all career stages

(iii) To stimulate excellence in research and the use of good research practices

Key Area 2: To facilitate Knowledge Transfer from research to (clinical) practice and to deliver state-of-the-art educational material and events

Focus areas include:

(i) To identify education and training needs across Europe, and to develop appropriate formats to address such needs (e.g. webinars, e-courses, etc.)

(ii) To encourage the development and implementation of evidence-based best practice consensus statements

Key Area 3: To facilitate adoption and application of Technology & Innovation with respect to childhood-onset disability practices

Focus areas include:

(i) Consolidate the current efforts of the Technology & Innovation Task Force

(ii) Accelerate innovation for people with childhood-onset disabilities at European level

Key Area 4: To Co-Advocate for their rights with people with childhood-onset disabilities, and their families, throughout Europe and beyond

Focus areas include:

(i) To co-advocate for their rights with people with childhood-onset disabilities, and their families, throughout Europe and beyond following the OHCHR Framework

(ii) Develop a strategy to optimise internal and external communication and cooperation with all involved stakeholders, including people with lived experience, policy makers and media

Key Area 5: To foster the development of International, Regional and National Networks

Focus areas include:

(i) To continue EACD’s leading role in developing a global perspective and collaborations with partner Academies around the globe as part of the ongoing work and initiatives with the International Alliance (IAACD)

(ii) To actively promote the development and strengthening of national and regional multidisciplinary networks of professionals in the European region

(iii) To rekindle the collaboration with leading European and International organisations, networks and authorities in the European region

Key Area 6: To continue to build a stable and sustainable organizational and financial structure

Focus areas include:

(i) Identify new revenue streams to support EACD’s ambitious plans

(ii) Implement new attractive membership offerings in order to retain and attract members

(iii) Governance, organisational structure and accountability

Click here to read the full EACD Strategic Plan 2023-2026



The European Academy of Childhood-onset Disability (EACD) is an international not-for-profit association founded in 1989, and is an association for anyone with a clinical and/or scientific interest in childhood-onset disabilities in Europe and beyond. EACD's mission is to promote research and education for the benefit of people with childhood-onset disabilities throughout Europe and beyond. 


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