Scientific Committee


1) To ensure a rigorous process to ensure that any scientific material published or presented under the auspices of the EACD has the appropriate level of scientific merit.

2) To support Local Organisers of the EACD Annual Meeting and/or other EACD Events in producing a programme which is original, has excellent scientific credential and has the right mix of original research and evidence-based instructional practice.


Chair (2023-2026)

Annemieke BuizerMD, PhD

Professor of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
Amsterdam University Medical Center 


Member (2021-2024)

Erik Domellöf, Psychologist, PhD

Associate Professor of Psychology at Umea University

Senior Lecturer in developmental Psychology. 


Member (2021-2024)

Yannick Bleyenheuft, MD, PhD

Professor at Institute of Neuroscience
Université Catholique de Louvain



The EACD General Management Committee appoints at least three members (outside the present General Management Committee) to form the EACD Scientific Committee.  Scientific Committee members are elected for a period of 3 years (renewable once). The Scientific Committee members should reflect an appropriate representation of the various research areas in the area of Childhood Disability, including the fields of Clinical Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience and Rehabilitation. The EACD Scientific Committee appoints a Chair, who will be an adjunct (non-voting) member of the General Management Committee.

Role of Scientific Committee Members

The Chair of the Scientific Committee is the leader and coordinator of the activities of the Scientific Committee and the Scientific Committee members are expected to work closely with the Committee Chair. Scientific Committee members have to be members of EACD and must attend the EACD Annual Meetings during their term.

The responsibilities and duties of the EACD Scientific Committee members are:

  • To be part of the Scientific Committee of EACD Annual Meetings and help the Chair of the Scientific Committee and Local Organisers by assisting in suggesting/procuring high calibre speakers, and ensuring a good ratio of local and international speakers.
  • To assist in the selection of abstracts to be accepted for oral communications and poster presentation slots (and other submission types where appropriate), and the selection of the EACD Meeting Award winner(s).
  • To assist in the selection of the best original research abstract submissions for publication in the special issue of Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology.
  • To ensure a good balance of multi-disciplinary material in the scientific programme of the EACD Annual Meetings, and to ensure the structure of the Annual Meeting scientific programme is proportionally balanced in regard the varying presentation formats (mini-symposia, oral communications, posters, and instructional courses).
  • To establish, review and adjust the guidelines for local scientific committees who organize the EACD Annual Meeting as appropriate.
  • To support the Chair of the Scientific Committee with any tasks and/or decisions as requested.

Specific responsibilities and duties of the Chair of the EACD Scientific Committee:

  • To initiate, maintain and develop the relationship/collaboration with European partner organizations of interest
  • To ensure there is appropriate space and time in the Annual Meeting scientific programme for joint sessions with collaborating partner organisations, and vice versa.
  • To take part in meetings of the General Management Committee as an adjunct (no-voting) member.


EACD Scientific Committee members are accountable to the EACD General Management Committee for the stated duties and responsibilities.



The European Academy of Childhood-onset Disability (EACD) is an international not-for-profit association founded in 1989, and is an association for anyone with a clinical and/or scientific interest in childhood-onset disabilities in Europe and beyond. EACD's mission is to promote research and education for the benefit of people with childhood-onset disabilities throughout Europe and beyond. 


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