Launch of the EACD Early Career Researchers' Forum

21 Jun 2021 12:00 | EACD (Administrator)

The EACD Early Career Researchers’ Forum has been launched on Thursday 3 June 2021 during the EACD Europe 2021 Meeting!

All Early Career Researchers within the EACD Community are welcome to join this Forum and to participate in the activities of the Early Career Researchers’ Forum. The Forum is intended to be a central platform run by Early Career Researchers (ECRs) for the ECRs community across Europe active in the area of childhood-onset disability. A place for ECRs to find and discuss opportunities, learn from others, share experiences, get to know your colleagues, mentor peers, and create impact through community engagement.

Would you like to be involved or participate in the activities of the Forum? Please complete the survey here:

This short survey has been prepared by the current (interim-)leads of the Forum to capture your thoughts and ideas, and allow you to indicate your interest in this initiative. Furthermore, please feel free to introduce yourself on the Padlet Board at EACD Early Career Researchers' Forum, and tell us some more about who you are, where you are from, and what your research, clinical or other interests are!



The European Academy of Childhood-onset Disability (EACD) is an international not-for-profit association founded in 1989, and is an association for anyone with a clinical and/or scientific interest in childhood-onset disabilities in Europe and beyond. EACD's mission is to promote research and education for the benefit of people with childhood-onset disabilities throughout Europe and beyond. 


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